Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Memorial Stone #7 - The Sharpening

This memorial stone is not a particular event, but rather a person. My youth pastor was patient, selfless with his time, not afraid to rebuke me when I needed it, and just always there for me. He remains an awesome friend and spiritual mentor to this day (not that it's been that long ago).

The last months of high school I got very involved in the youth group at church. I played bass guitar for the praise and worship team and volunteered for every special event I could. After graduating I kept active in the youth group as a volunteer. Music was the direction where I felt God was leading me so I enrolled in college as a music major. My emphasis was education and I studied voice and classical guitar. One of the things that my youth leader had to rebuke me for was the place that Christian rock held in my life. I had gone to numerous concerts during high school and ended up at a place where I served Christian rock as a god. If something occupies your thoughts, words, actions, and vision more than God, then it's wrong - even if it has a "Christian" label on it. Many ministers fall into serving the work of the Lord rather than the Lord of the work. Even when I didn't like being "sharpened", I stayed teachable. It was a valuable lesson to learn and one that I am glad I learned early. A year or so later I began leading worship at home meetings...just me and my guitar...and not once did I ever view it as a performance (it isn't). This particular lesson was one of many that my youth pastor taught me and I owe him so much.


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