Friday, November 25, 2005

Hello world!

Hello world! Ah yes, the simple yet exciting phrase used by computer programmers as the output for their very first application in a new programming language. Simple, yes, but it signifies the beginning of a new venture. I saw it fitting because I currently work in software development and I am buzzing with excitement over my new venture into this world of blogging. I long to make more of a difference in this world than I have been. I just know God has more. I have had the privilege of sitting under wonderful Bibles teachers and have read many books that strengthened my walk with God. But what good is knowledge if we don't share it? Sometimes I look at how much I still have to learn and my focus becomes centered on all my inadequacies. That does nothing but cripple God's ability to use us. It's not me anyway, it's God ability working in and through me. I am just a heap of clay in the Potter's hands. It's my job to passionately seek His face and follow His will for my life. Instead of dwelling on the gap between where I am in my spiritual maturity and where I feel I should be, I try to look back at where I have come from and what God has taught me along the way. In Joshua 4 we read about God instructions to set up memorial stones as a sign. If we remind ourselves of what God has brought us through and taught us, we will strengthen our belief that He will continue to move us from faith to faith and glory to glory. The next few posts on this blog will be related to my memorial stones - key events in my life that have brought me closer to God. I hope they help you and encourage you. Like I said in my profile, I appreciate you taking the time to visit. Please check in again soon.


At 11/25/2005, Blogger Andrew G said...

welcome to the blog world!



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