Monday, March 23, 2009

I'm Going to Africa!!

Here's a tip: If you are applying for a passport that you need soon, and the post office lady assures you they are ahead of schedule so there's no need to expedite, pay for the expedited processing anyway. I know the letter below doesn't give much time (sent it out on Saturday), but my passport just came in last week. I covet your prayers for me, my family and my trip team as I step out on this mission...


Dear friends,

I have some VERY exciting news - I'm going on a missions trip to Africa!! Missions has been on my heart for many years, but due to work schedules/projects, I have not had opportunities to go on overseas trips. I have been active on the local mission field, but I have always wanted to do more. Almost two years ago I started my own technology business, partly to give myself the flexibility to go on trips such as this one. So, needless to say, I am thrilled to be finally stepping out and doing what's in my heart.

I will be going to Ethiopia from April 16-25th to serve with Children’s HopeChest ( as they visit several orphanages. Many children there feel abandoned and rejected. With no one to offer them God’s hope and practical help, their chances to survive and live a full life of faith, family, education, and work are slim. Without intervention, many will end up in crime and/or prostitution, while others commit suicide. Through offering resources and relationships to children in need, Children’s HopeChest is making a difference in the lives of some of the 143 million orphans in the child at a time.

My mission is this: I am going to be a dad to every kid I come across...smiling at the children, holding them, teaching them, doing crafts, singing songs...basically just loving on them and giving each and every one a basis for hope. Every person has a divine destiny, regardless of skin color, social status or geographic area. Maybe one of the children I hold will see the love in my eyes, realize that he/she is valuable to me and to God, and gain the courage to pursue his/her destiny. Maybe that child will become a leader, bring hope to surrounding regions and even change nations. There is so much that can be accomplished through a simple act of love and obedience.

I am writing to ask you to consider helping in the following ways:

1) Cover me in prayer while I am ministering to these precious children (and pray for a safe trip to/from Africa). Pray for God's supernatural favor and blessing to cover our entire team.
2) Prayerfully consider helping me financially with the trip. The cost of the trip is $2,600 and the money is due by this Friday, March 27th. It is tax-deductible and the instructions are at the bottom of this letter. Know this - I would never ask you to do something I wasn't willing to do myself. This trip has cost me much more than what the trip costs due to the business I have turned down in order to go. So, anything you could do to help would be very much appreciated.

In His service,
Mark D


At 3/23/2009, Blogger jel said...

WAy Cool!

At 3/26/2009, Blogger Erin Moore said...

Beautifully articulated!

Looking forward to meeting you Mark!



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